AMP A/S     Skovhusevej 17     DK-4773 Stensved     Tel: +45 55 38 65 65     Cvr: 27 92 97 29     [email protected]     

AMP A/S   Skovhusevej 17   DK-4773 Stensved   [email protected]

tel: +45 55 38 65 65   fax: +45 55 38 65 60


AMP A/S offer manufacturing in a controlled area and we can deliver products with CoC and/or CoA documentation.

Our laboratory is equipped with Zeiss 3D measuring machine which can handle optical and tactile measuring. The quality of the molded components can be IR tested in-house to compare with the specified raw material.

A range of other measurement machines and devices such as calipers, mandrels etc. are also available in our laboratory. All our measurement equipments are calibrated according to our quality system planned via out TopManager quality system.

AMP A/S has an advanced set up regarding validation and qualification where both components, molds and machines are included (IQ, OQ and PQ).

For more details, please contact us.

Download the ISO 9001 certificate.

Download ISO the 13485 certificate.

Download ISO the 14001 certificate.


Enviromental policy

AMP A/S has the following environmental policy:

AMP A/S’ environmental and work environment work is based on applicable legal and official requirements, industry requirements and customer requirements created in dialogue with our customers and business partners.

AMP A/S will comply with all laws and authority requirements applicable to our company.

AMP A/S’ environmental efforts must be characterized by persistent efforts to continuously reduce the environmental impact from our activities.

AMP A/S will, in our work with environmental and occupational health conditions, act proactively – quickly and effectively – as well as systematically work with prevention and ongoing follow-up of implemented improvements.


Contact us