AMP A/S     Skovhusevej 17     DK-4773 Stensved     Tel: +45 55 38 65 65     Cvr: 27 92 97 29     [email protected]     

AMP A/S   Skovhusevej 17   DK-4773 Stensved   [email protected]

tel: +45 55 38 65 65   fax: +45 55 38 65 60

Moulds (tools)

AMP A/S offers advice when moulds must be manufactured. We extend to our customers solid knowledge and experience, often in cooperation with our group member, Regoform A/S, in different areas such as design of components, choice of raw material, construction, and manufacturing of moulds, and much more. Please allow us to show you what we can do.

Besides our cooperation with our group member Regoform A/S, we also have cooperation with other mould makers in Denmark as well as abroad. The choice of mould maker we do in cooperation with our customers, so we can find the best solution (economical and technical) for the actual project. The AMP mould-standard is a central key to develop moulds, which
can give an optimal performance.

Contact us